Member-only story
You’re Angry Because She Has Large Breasts?
There’s a first time for everything.

I’m going to do something super fun while I have some creative juices flowing-you may also call this story one of my “night terrors”-and write a story about someone who wrote a story about someone who wrote a story.
Read further at your own peril. It’s simply my story about a story about a story. Expect no more, expect no less.
Let me break down this story-ception for you.
I read this story because it popped up in my feed(what was the algorithm thinking? Medium’s AI bots had too much wine) that was in short a man complaining about how a fellow woman who writes on Medium wrote a story that received a lot of attention.
The story this woman wrote entailed her sharing her feelings around an Instagram photo she shared -described by said man-writer as “the biggest, juiciest pair of breasts he had seen on a 50 year old woman”. This man-writer also said “she could drop her top and marry any millionaire with them”.
However, the male writer was upset because this woman’s great tits and her feelings about the comments they had received-apparently, negative comments-were receiving so much attention on Medium.