The Difficulty Of Engaging People In Stories That Are All About You

Reader takeaways sell

Camille Prairie
2 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo by Ali Pazani

I first started writing because I had stories to tell. So many stories.

My stories of love and loss and redemption and all of the beautiful moments that had made me- me.

I imagine that this is what motivates most of us to start writing-the idea that everyone will eat up stories about our greatest tragedies, adventures, and life experiences if we just use the right balance of flowery imagery and witty tone.

When I started writing, I think I knew this wasn’t true. Yet, I struggled to admit that to myself.

Finding a place between “the hardest day of my life” or “my childhood as a sick kid” and “5 Ways to Be Richer Than Everyone Else, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible” was really hard.

Finding my voice was hard, and it’s still a work in progress. There are days I read some of my favorite writers and wonder:

  • Why didn’t I think of that?
  • When will I find a voice that is distinguished?

And then I remember that this isn’t a competition. It’s a journey.

The takeaway is that I have to make my journey relatable to everyone. I have to make it worth reading. I can’t simply…



Camille Prairie

NC-based freelance-writer and semi-functional 25 year old navigating what it means to be an adult. Find me at